Fun Activity to Develop Procedural Fluency - Make Sense of Math

Fun Activity to Develop Procedural Fluency

Develop Fluency in Middle School Math

Procedural Fluency
I am a strong advocate in teaching students conceptual mathematics.  I believe the more they understand the "why" of the mathematics and can make connections across domains they will become better mathematicians and better problem solvers.  However, I also believe procedural fluency is a critical component in mathematics.  One way to build procedural fluency is practice. 

Beyond Boring Worksheets
I know, however, that middle school students do not like a boring worksheet to practice procedures, and assigning 10 basic problems out of a textbook is just as boring.  Students are more willing to engage in an assignment when it is fun.  That is why I created mystery pictures.  

Mystery pictures include about 20 questions for students to practice procedural fluency on a specific math topic.  Once they answer they question they find the answer on the coloring grid and color the square(s) according to the key in the question.  Once complete, students will have revealed a fun mystery picture.  If done incorrectly, their picture will not look correct.  Therefore, correcting these mystery pictures is a breeze.  

Free Downloads
I have a few available to download for free if you would like to try them out in your middle school math classroom.  Click here to grab yours for FREE!

I have others available in my Teachers pay Teachers store if you would like more for your classroom.  You can check those out HERE

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Middle School Math Fluency Activity
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