Are you looking for free activities to supplement your middle school math curriculum?
I thought I would help out by rounding up some activites you can use in your math classroom today.
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Interactive Math Activities
Stations. All students can use a review of adding and subtracting integers. Get them moving around the classroom with these Adding and Subtracting Integers Stations.
Task Cards. Here is another interactive activity that is fun to use with your students.
Printable and Digital Math Activities
More activities that are available both as printables and digital
Perfect to print as posters as hang on your math classroom walls, or print and hand out to your students to keep as personal reference sheets.
Guided Notes
Guided notes are a great to keep your students engaged as they record important information. If you teach equations with roots, then you are going to want to grab these notes now.
Want More?
Grab more exclusive freebies in the Make Sense of Math FREEBIE library. CHECK THEM OUT HERE